Saturday 30 September 2017

26 Perfect Obama And Biden Memes From A Much Simpler Time

Remember when the internet was good?

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from BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

Ben Rhodes moves into second round of NASCAR playoffs with win

Rhodes earned an automatic berth into the second round of the NASCAR Truck Series playoffs with the win.


from USATODAY - Motor Sports

I'm Shook, Because Kim Kardashian Might Have Konfirmed All Three Family Pregnancies On Instagram — A Month Ago

We love a good konspiracy theory. (H/T Bustle!)

When I graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2013, little did I know that in a few short years I'd spend my days digging through Kardashian konspiracy theories for a living. But here I am, and here YOU are, klicking of your own volition, so I'd like no nonsense in the komments section, PLEASE.

When I graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2013, little did I know that in a few short years I'd spend my days digging through Kardashian konspiracy theories for a living. But here I am, and here YOU are, klicking of your own volition, so I'd like no nonsense in the komments section, PLEASE.

No, Kris Jenner did not pay me to write this. Although if you're reading this, Kris: kall me, let's do brunch.

E! / FX

As you know, something's in the water in Kalabasas: In the past week we've learned that not one, not two, but THREE Kardashian/Jenner women are kurrently expecting.

As you know, something's in the water in Kalabasas: In the past week we've learned that not one, not two, but THREE Kardashian/Jenner women are kurrently expecting.

Kim is expecting her third child with Kanye West via surrogate; Kylie Jenner is expecting her first child with rapper Travis Scott; and Khloé Kardashian is expecting her first child with NBA star Tristan Thompson.

Charley Gallay / Getty Images

As of now, only Kim has publicly konfirmed her pregnancy. But as Bustle has pointed out, an Instagram posted by Kim on Sept. 3 *MIGHT* just have been a major, major klue that the three sisters were expecting.

As of now, only Kim has publicly konfirmed her pregnancy. But as Bustle has pointed out, an Instagram posted by Kim on Sept. 3 *MIGHT* just have been a major, major klue that the three sisters were expecting.

You guys...I'm shook.


Here's the picture...notice the kaption?

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from BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

Robert Hight tops Funny Car qualify at Gateway

Robert Hight topped Funny Car qualifying Saturday in the AAA Insurance Midwest Nationals with his track-record run Friday at Gateway Motorsports Park


from USATODAY - Motor Sports

La barrière d'une tribune s'effondre pendant Amiens-Lille

Le match de Ligue 1 entre Amiens et Lille a été arrêté définitivement ce samedi 30 septembre 2017. Après l'ouverture du score du LOSC, la barrière de la tribune visiteurs s'est effondrée et a provoqué la chute de supporters lillois, écrasés par leurs camarades sur le sol. Le bilan provisoire est de 23 blessés...

La barrière dune tribune seffondre pendant Amiens-Lille

Categories : Sport - Barriere - Tribune

La barrière d'une tribune s'effondre pendant Amiens-Lille @2013


17 Weird Murder Cases That'll Make You Really Fucking Uncomfortable

People are fucked up.

🚨Hi! This post contains some pretty disturbing content and images. Continue at your own discretion.🚨

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from BuzzFeed - WTF Feed

Les excuses de Laurent Baffie après son geste déplacé sur Nolwenn Leroy

Laurent Baffie, au coeur d'une polémique après son geste déplacé envers Nolwenn Leroy pendant Salut les Terriens, a tenu à s'excuser à sa manière, en étant vêtu d'une camisole de force. Thierry Ardisson en a profité...

Les excuses de Laurent Baffie après son geste déplacé sur Nolwenn Leroy

Categories : Television - Excuses - Laurent Baffie

Les excuses de Laurent Baffie après son geste déplacé sur Nolwenn Leroy @2013


Lewis Hamilton takes aim at President Trump

Formula One driver advised to use social media tactfully after Instagram post.


from USATODAY - Motor Sports

No more teen sensation: F1's rising star Verstappen turns 20

The days of Max Verstappen being a teen sensation are officially over as Formula One's rising star celebrated his 20th birthday Saturday


from USATODAY - Motor Sports

Magnesium in Blood Linked to Risk of Dementia

People with both high and low levels of magnesium in their blood may have a greater risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the September 20, 2017, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

“These results need to be confirmed with additional studies, but the results are intriguing,” said study author Brenda C.T. Kieboom, MD, MSc, of Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. “Since the current treatment and prevention options for dementia are limited, we urgently need to identify new risk factors for dementia that could potentially be adjusted. If people could reduce their risk for dementia through diet or supplements, that could be very beneficial.”
Jigsaw Health - Providing Pieces to Health Puzzle

The study involved 9,569 people with an average age of 65 who did not have dementia whose blood was tested for magnesium levels. The participants were followed for an average of eight years. During that time, 823 people were diagnosed with dementia. Of those, 662 people had Alzheimer’s disease.

The participants were divided into five groups based on their magnesium levels. Both those with the highest and the lowest levels had an increased risk of dementia, compared to those in the middle group.

Both the low and high groups were about 30 percent more likely to develop dementia than those in the middle group. Of the 1,771 people in the low group, 160 people developed dementia, which is a rate of 10.2 per 1,000 person-years. For the high group, 179 of the 1,748 people developed dementia, for a rate of 11.4 per 1,000 person-years. For the middle group, 102 of the 1,387 people developed dementia, for a rate of 7.8.

The results were the same after researchers adjusted for other factors that could affect the risk of dementia and magnesium levels, such as body mass index, smoking status, alcohol use and kidney function.

Kieboom noted that almost all of the participants had magnesium levels in the normal range, with only 108 people with levels below normal and two people with levels above normal.

Foods that are good sources of magnesium include spinach, almonds, cashews, soy and black beans, whole grains, yogurt and avocados.

Kieboom said that if the results are confirmed, blood tests to measure magnesium levels could be used to screen for people at risk of dementia. She emphasized that the study does not prove that high or low levels of magnesium cause dementia; it only shows an association.

Limitations of the study include that magnesium levels were measured only once, so they could have changed, and that magnesium levels in the blood do not always represent the total level of magnesium in the body.

Story Source: American Academy of Neurology

The post Magnesium in Blood Linked to Risk of Dementia appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

John Cena makes first public appearance after loss to Roman Reigns at WWE No Mercy

from WWE: WWE News

Smell Loss Predicts Cognitive Decline

A long-term study of nearly 3,000 adults, aged 57 to 85, found that those who could not identify at least four out of five common odors were more than twice as likely as those with a normal sense of smell to develop dementia within five years.

Although 78 percent of those tested were normal — correctly identifying at least four out of five scents — about 14 percent could name just three out of five, five percent could identify only two scents, two percent could name just one, and one percent of the study subjects were not able to identify a single smell.

Five years after the initial test, almost all of the study subjects who were unable to name a single scent had been diagnosed with dementia. Nearly 80 percent of those who provided only one or two correct answers also had dementia, with a dose-dependent relationship between degree of smell loss and incidence of dementia.

“These results show that the sense of smell is closely connected with brain function and health,” said the study’s lead author, Jayant M. Pinto, MD, a professor of surgery at the University of Chicago and ENT specialist who studies the genetics and treatment of olfactory and sinus disease. “We think smell ability specifically, but also sensory function more broadly, may be an important early sign, marking people at greater risk for dementia.”

“We need to understand the underlying mechanisms,” Pinto added, “so we can understand neurodegenerative disease and hopefully develop new treatments and preventative interventions.”

“Loss of the sense of smell is a strong signal that something has gone wrong and significant damage has been done,” Pinto said. “This simple smell test could provide a quick and inexpensive way to identify those who are already at high risk.”

The study, “Olfactory Dysfunction Predicts Subsequent Dementia in Older US Adults,” published September 2?, 2017, in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, follows a related 2014 paper, in which olfactory dysfunction was associated with increased risk of death within five years. In that study, loss of the sense of smell was a better predictor of death than a diagnosis of heart failure, cancer or lung disease.

For both studies, the researchers used a well-validated tool, known as “Sniffin’Sticks.” These look like a felt-tip pen, but instead of ink, they are infused with distinct scents. Study subjects smell each item and are asked to identify that odor, one at a time, from a set of four choices. The five odors, in order of increasing difficulty, were peppermint, fish, orange, rose and leather.

Test results showed that:

  • 78.1 percent of those examined had a normal sense of smell; 48.7 percent correctly identified five out of five odors and 29.4 percent identified four out of five.
  • 18.7 percent, considered “hyposmic,” got two or three out of five correct.
  • The remaining 3.2 percent, labelled “anosmic,” could identify just one of the five scents (2.2%), or none (1%).

The olfactory nerve is the only cranial nerve directly exposed to the environment. The cells that detect smells connect directly with the olfactory bulb at the base of the brain, potentially exposing the central nervous system to environmental hazards such as pollution or pathogens. Olfactory deficits are often an early sign of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. They get worse with disease progression.

Losing the ability to smell can have a substantial impact on lifestyle and wellbeing, said Pinto, a specialist in sinus and nasal diseases and a member of the Section of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at UChicago Medicine. “Smells influence nutrition and mental health,” Pinto said. People who can’t smell face everyday problems such as knowing whether food is spoiled, detecting smoke during a fire, or assessing the need a shower after a workout. Being unable to smell is closely associated with depression as people don’t get as much pleasure in life.”

“This evolutionarily ancient special sense may signal a key mechanism that also underlies human cognition,” noted study co-author Martha K. McClintock, PhD, the David Lee Shillinglaw Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology at the University of Chicago, who has studied olfactory and pheromonal communication throughout her career.

McClintock noted that the olfactory system also has stem cells which self-regenerate, so “a decrease in the ability to smell may signal a decrease in the brain’s ability to rebuild key components that are declining with age, leading to the pathological changes of many different dementias.”

In an accompanying editorial, Stephen Thielke, MD, a member of the Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center at Puget Sound Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the psychiatry and behavioral sciences faculty at the University of Washington, wrote: “Olfactory dysfunction may be easier to quantify across time than global cognition, which could allow for more-systematic or earlier assessment of neurodegenerative changes, but none of this supports that smell testing would be a useful tool for predicting the onset of dementia.”

“Our test simply marks someone for closer attention,” Pinto explained. “Much more work would need to be done to make it a clinical test. But it could help find people who are at risk. Then we could enroll them in early-stage prevention trials.”

“Of all human senses,” Pinto added, “smell is the most undervalued and underappreciated — until it’s gone.”

Both studies were part of the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project (NSHAP), the first in-home study of social relationships and health in a large, nationally representative sample of men and women ages 57 to 85.

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health — including the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease — the Institute of Translational Medicine at the University of Chicago, and the McHugh Otolaryngology Research Fund.

Additional authors were Dara Adams, David W. Kern, Kristen E. Wroblewski and William Dale, all from the University of Chicago. Linda Waite is the principal investigator of NSHAP, a transdisciplinary effort with experts in sociology, geriatrics, psychology, epidemiology, statistics, survey methodology, medicine, and surgery collaborating to advance knowledge about aging.

Story Source: University of Chicago Medical Center.

The post Smell Loss Predicts Cognitive Decline appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

21 Things That Will Make Girls Who Grew Up With All Brothers Say, "Damn, That's Real"

“Stop hitting yourself.” —every brother out there

This was a daily occurrence:

This was a daily occurrence:

Twitter: @madisonnicoleyy

So was this:

So was this:

This is how your brothers greet you:

This is how your brothers greet you:

Twitter: @

You hid your dolls in fear knowing your brothers would destroy them.

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from BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

Hazards of Sleep Loss

A silent epidemic of dream loss is at the root of many of the health concerns attributed to sleep loss, according to Rubin Naiman, PhD, a sleep and dream specialist at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, who recently published a comprehensive review of data.

His review, “Dreamless: the silent epidemic of REM sleep loss” in the “Unlocking the Unconscious: Exploring the Undiscovered Self” issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, details the various factors that cause rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and dream loss. Typical sleep follows a pattern in which deeper, non-REM sleep is prioritized by the body. Only later in the night and into the early morning do people experience dreaming, during REM sleep.

“We are at least as dream-deprived as we are sleep-deprived,” noted Dr. Naiman, UA clinical assistant professor of medicine. He sees REM/dream loss as an unrecognized public health hazard that silently wreaks havoc by contributing to illness, depression and an erosion of consciousness. “Many of our health concerns attributed to sleep loss actually result from REM sleep deprivation.”

The review examines data about the causes and extent of REM/dream loss associated with medications, substance use disorders, sleep disorders and behavioral and lifestyle factors. Dr. Naiman further reviews the consequences of REM/dream loss and concludes with recommendations for restoring healthy REM sleep and dreaming.

Story Source: University of Arizona Health Sciences

The post Hazards of Sleep Loss appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

Every Hell in a Cell Match ever: photos

from WWE: Photos

Every Hell in a Cell Match ever: photos

from WWE: Photos

Ken Block fait le show à Pikes Peak avec une ford mustang de 1400ch

Le pilote américain Ken Block a fait le show sur le tracé de Pikes Peak au volant de sa Ford Mustang 4x4 biturbo de 1400 chevaux Hoonicorn V2. Pour rappel, Sébastien Loeb reste le recordman de la montée de la célèbre montagne du Colorado en 2013 (voir la vidéo).

Ken Block fait le show à Pikes Peak avec une ford mustang de 1400ch

Categories : Sport - Ken Block - Pikes Peak

Ken Block fait le show à Pikes Peak avec une ford mustang de 1400ch @2013


Ferrari 1-2 again in 3rd and final practice for Malaysian GP

Kimi Raikkonen posted the fastest time ahead of teammate Sebastian Vettel as Ferrari dominated the third and final practice session for the Malaysian Grand Prix ahead of qualifying later Saturday. Mercedes again struggled.


from USATODAY - Motor Sports