Monday 31 August 2020

La réponse étonnante d'un homme sur le port du masque obligatoire

Une journaliste de la chaîne BFM TV a interrogé un homme dans la rue à propos du port du masque obligatoire. Et elle n’a pas du tout été déçue de sa réponse. Tendez bien l'oreille !

La réponse étonnante dun homme sur le port du masque obligatoire

Categories : Television - Masque - BFM

La réponse étonnante d'un homme sur le port du masque obligatoire @2013


Le discours totalement délirant d'une manifestante anti-masque

Un journaliste de Yahoo s'est rendu lors d'une manifestation contre le port du masque obligatoire et n'a pas été déçu du voyage. Il a interrogé une manifestante qui a tenu un discours totalement délirant. Au programme : coronavirus, 5G, Institut Pasteur et... papaye.

Le discours totalement délirant dune manifestante anti-masque

Categories : Insolite - Discours - Manifestant

Le discours totalement délirant d'une manifestante anti-masque @2013


Pick The Images You Find Scariest, And We’ll Guess Your Deepest Fear With 92% Accuracy

What are you afraid of?

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Was Gateway the end of Tony Kanaan's IndyCar career? 'It's going to be a challenge'

Tony Kanaan is hoping this wasn't the last time he'll step out of an IndyCar cockpit, but as of right now, he has no plans for 2021 and beyond in the series.


from USATODAY - Motor Sports

In This World, You're Sweet, Spicy, Salty, Or Bitter — Choose Some Food To Find Out Which One


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from BuzzFeed - lol

In This World, You're Sweet, Spicy, Salty, Or Bitter — Choose Some Food To Find Out Which One


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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Pick The Images You Find Scariest, And We’ll Guess Your Deepest Fear With 92% Accuracy

What are you afraid of?

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from BuzzFeed - lol

In This World, You're Sweet, Spicy, Salty, Or Bitter — Choose Some Food To Find Out Which One


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from BuzzFeed - lol

Les images du making-of du film Tenet

Alors que Tenet est sorti en France le 26 août 2020 (voir la bande-annonce), la Warner Bros a mis en ligne le making-of du film. Dans cette vidéo de près de 10 minutes, on y découvre les coulisses du long-métrage réalisé par Christopher Nolan.

Les images du making-of du film Tenet

Categories : Cinema - Making Of - Film

Les images du making-of du film Tenet @2013


Sunday 30 August 2020

If You Think We Can't Guess Your Relationship Status Based On The House You Build, Think Again

It's weird, but it's true.

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Say "Plate" Or "Bowl" To These Foods And We'll Reveal Your Psychological Age

How do you dish it out?

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

It's Scary, But We Know When You're Getting Married Based On The 7 Colors You Choose

Are you getting married on August 4th, 2035?

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Let's See If You'd Choose These DreamWorks Or Disney/Pixar Movies

Enter the wonderful world of animation.

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Let's See If You'd Choose These DreamWorks Or Disney/Pixar Movies

Enter the wonderful world of animation.

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Say "Plate" Or "Bowl" To These Foods And We'll Reveal Your Psychological Age

How do you dish it out?

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from BuzzFeed - lol

We Can Guess Your Birth Month With 87% Accuracy Based On The Donuts You Choose

Ok, now I'm hungry.

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Une guillotine installée devant la maison de Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos est devenu l’homme le plus riche de l’histoire avec une fortune estimée à 200 milliards de dollars. À l’annonce de ce nouveau record, une partie du personnel a tenu à organiser une manifestation symbolique devant la maison du patron d'Amazon à Washington et installer une guillotine.

Une guillotine installée devant la maison de Jeff Bezos

Categories : People - Maison - Amazon

Une guillotine installée devant la maison de Jeff Bezos @2013


Des employés de bureau se prennent un coup de vent en sortant d'un ascenseur

Le vent a soufflé très fort ces derniers jours au Royaume-Uni. Pour preuve, deux employés de bureau ayant des gobelets de café à la main ont eu la mauvaise surprise d'être pris au piège par la tempête en sortant d'un ascenseur.

Des employés de bureau se prennent un coup de vent en sortant dun ascenseur

Categories : Insolite - Tempete - Ascenseur

Des employés de bureau se prennent un coup de vent en sortant d'un ascenseur @2013


Doodle On These Converse Shoes And We’ll Guess If You're A Gen Z'er, Millennial, Gen X'er, Or Boomer

Grab your Sharpies.

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Saturday 29 August 2020

Insider: Scott Dixon, Takuma Sato produce thrilling second act in tight Gateway finish

Scott Dixon prevailed this time around, but he and Takuma Sato provided yet another epic late-race duel between IndyCar's two hottest drivers.


from USATODAY - Motor Sports

Suisse : il fuit la police en moto à travers les champs

La scène se passe à Planfayon, en Suisse. Un motard a échappé à la police en roulant à travers les champs. Cette course-poursuite d'un autre genre s'est déroulée durant quelques minutes avant que les policiers décident d'abandonner. Le motard a donc réussi à prendre la fuite.

Suisse : il fuit la police en moto à travers les champs

Categories : Insolite - Suisse - Champs

Suisse : il fuit la police en moto à travers les champs @2013


Port du masque : Mike Rambo se prend un vent monumental

Indigné par les nouvelles mesures prises par le gouvernement à propos du port du masque obligatoire, le gilet jaune et anti-masque Mike Rambo est allé sonder les Parisiens dans la rue. Il s'est pris un vent monumental de la part de l'un d'entre eux.

Port du masque : Mike Rambo se prend un vent monumental

Categories : Insolite - Port - Masque

Port du masque : Mike Rambo se prend un vent monumental @2013


Make The Weirdest Pizza To Find Out When You’ll Find Love

It's your love pizza.

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Friday 28 August 2020

Bella Thorne Allegedly Ruined OnlyFans For Sex Workers, Proving That Good Things Never Last

It's the messing with people's bags for me.

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

How Controversial Are Your Fried Food Opinions?

Honestly, anything fried is good.

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Wanna Know How Many People Are Secretly In Love With You? Just Adopt Some Tiny Dogs To Find Out

Wouldn't you like to know?

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Here Are 12 Common Foods — Pick The Tastiest Version Of Each Of Them And We'll Reveal Your Emotional Age

French fries or mashed potatoes?! Can I choose both?

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Answer These Questions To Reveal What Color You Should Dye Your Hair ASAP

This quiz cyantifically proved that I should dye my hair blue.

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from BuzzFeed - lol

There Are Many Heart Emojis, But Only One Of Them Matches Your Personality

Raise your hand if you use way too many emojis. 🙋🏻‍♀️

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Answer These Questions To Reveal What Color You Should Dye Your Hair ASAP

This quiz cyantifically proved that I should dye my hair blue.

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

This Is Pretty Shocking, But We Can Guess Your Favorite School Subject Based On Your Food Preferences

I never liked math...

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Foods With an Unhealthy Reputation

Some foods just have a bad reputation but they aren’t really unhealthy to consume in limited quantities. Here’s why you shouldn’t skip them.

How many times we stop ourselves from eating foods that we like or have a craving for just because we don’t want to add on kilos. Yes, people who are diet-conscious often follow a strict diet and avoid foods that are unhealthy. While excluding items like refined flour and sugar is a good idea, sometimes we tend to ignore foods just because they have reputation for being unhealthy but the reality is, having small amounts of these never hurt. And so, we list food items that can be part of your diet because they aren’t really unhealthy. Take a look.


Movies in theatres are incomplete with a bucket of popcorn but they come loaded with calories, butter and salt and more based on the flavor you order. However, popcorn when consumed plain isn’t unhealthy. In fact, it is a healthy snack as it fills you up in fewer calories and keeps you full for longer. So if you crave for some every evening, eat it without guilt but make sure it is not the one that has excess butter and salt, rather it is just plain popcorn that has been popped in the microwave.


The constant battle of potatoes being loved by some and ignored by others has to stop. The truth is, potatoes as a vegetable isn’t unhealthy, it is the way you make it that increases or decreases its nutritional value. When you eat potatoes that is boiled or mashed, it is fine to consume in smaller quantities. However, the problem arises when you fry it and eat it. And since French fries is all fried, it makes people think that potatoes in general are unhealthy.


Another food item that has a bad reputation is rice. It is believed that it has too much starch and does not provide any nutrition. Well yes, rice isn’t the healthiest but it does have nutrients and is easy to digest. It is also good if you have brown rice as it does not raise your blood glucose levels instantly. Rice can be consumed in smaller quantities and if you are a staple rice eater, you don’t have to give it all up, you can just have portion control and eat it only once a day, preferably in the afternoon.


The first thing that people eliminate from their diet when trying to lose weight is ghee. Yes, clarified butter that is a dairy product is often ignored by weight watchers but the truth is one spoonful of ghee every day does your body only good. Ghee is not unhealthy when eaten in moderate quantities and so you should include it in your daily meals rather than skipping it. It prevents dryness and also adds a glow to your skin.

Red wine

Alcohol in general isn’t considered to be healthy and high in calories which isn’t all wrong but the truth is that multiple studies suggest that red wine is good for the heart and also has antioxidants that prevent ageing. Red wine however should be had in moderation and one glass every day isn’t such a bad idea. But keep a watch on how much you drink because excess of anything is bad and alcohol certainly is.

The post Foods With an Unhealthy Reputation appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

BYGGLEK : lancement d'une collaboration entre IKEA et LEGO

Les marques IKEA et LEGO se sont associées pour créer une gamme de solutions de rangement simples pour les enfants et les adultes. BYGGLEK sera disponible dès l'automne prochain dans les magasins IKEA. La collection se compose de quatre articles : un set de briques LEGO (201 pièces) de différentes couleurs et formes, un set de trois petites boîtes...

BYGGLEK : lancement dune collaboration entre IKEA et LEGO

Categories : High tech web - Ikea - Lego

BYGGLEK : lancement d'une collaboration entre IKEA et LEGO @2013


29 People Who Immediately Regretted Pretty Much Everything In Their Life That Led To This Moment

I'd like a do-over, please.

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Jean-Pierre Fanguin et son clip La question est vite répondue

En juin 2020, Jean-Pierre Fanguin avait fait parler de lui avec sa vidéo dans laquelle il faisait la promotion de ses services pour devenir riche. Cette fois-ci, le jeune homme est de retour avec un clip musical intitulé "La question est vite répondue". Attention, les oreilles risquent de saigner...

Jean-Pierre Fanguin et son clip La question est vite répondue

Categories : Musique - Clip - Question

Jean-Pierre Fanguin et son clip La question est vite répondue @2013


L'hommage du PSG à Thiago Silva

Après 8 ans de bons et loyaux services au sein du PSG, Thiago Silva s'est engagé avec la formation londonienne de Chelsea. À cette occasion, le club de la capitale a diffusé sur les réseaux sociaux une vidéo en hommage à son futur ex-capitaine brésilien.

Lhommage du PSG à Thiago Silva

Categories : Sport - Thiago Silva - PSG

L'hommage du PSG à Thiago Silva @2013


Un bar évacué par la police pendant le match PSG-Bayern

À Paris, la police a dû intervenir pour évacuer un bar qui diffusait la finale de la Ligue des champions entre le PSG et le Bayern Munich. L'évacuation a eu lieu à cause du non-respect des obligations sanitaires de distanciation physique liées au coronavirus.

Un bar évacué par la police pendant le match PSG-Bayern

Categories : Sport - Bar - PSG

Un bar évacué par la police pendant le match PSG-Bayern @2013
