Thursday 28 December 2017

Collagen vs Gelatin – Which is better?

What are they? How are they different? And should you be using them on Keto since they’re proteins?? Will collagen and gelatin kick you out of ketosis? I used to be really confused about this topic as well, so please read on for the answers…

What is Collagen?

In our bodies, collagen is the most abundant type of protein (it’s composed of the amino acids: glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine). And it makes up a lot of our skin, tendons, and bones. It’s basically the glue which holds our bodies together.

And up to 70% of the protein in your skin is collagen, which is why you’ll find it in face creams and skin care lotions.

In food, we typically find collagen in the tendon and skins of animals. But since we don’t eat much of those “unseemly” bits of the animal anymore, most of us have to supplement to ensure our skin and joints remain healthy. And the type of collagen supplement we take is called “hydrolyzed collagen.”

What is Hydrolyzed Collagen?

It doesn’t sound very appetizing to eat a large plate of tendons for lunch…

Hence why it’s much easier to supplement with hydrolyzed collagen.

Hydrolyzed collagen is created by a process called hydrolysis, where the protein molecules are broken down through various methods. The collagen is then extracted and then dehydrated to create a white powder we can add into smoothies and drinks.

This makes the collagen more digestible than regular food sources of collagen and easier to use.

What’s the Difference Between Collagen and Gelatin?

Collagen and gelatin are very similar. In fact, they both contain exactly the same amino acids (which are the building blocks of protein). The difference is how these amino acids are packaged (aka their chemical structure). And an easy way to think about the difference is:

Gelatin is the cooked form of collagen.

The cooking/heating of collagen changes the chemical structure of collagen so that it behaves very differently to gelatin.

And this chemical structure difference between gelatin and collagen means that they are used differently (gelatin can be used to form jello/jelly and whereas collagen doesn’t have that gel effect). More about that below.

Collagen vs Gelatin – Which is Better For You?

Since the main benefits from both collagen and gelatin are the amino acids (and they have the same amino acids), you would think either is fantastic to use.

And for the most part, you’re correct. There is one exception, however, that makes hydrolyzed collagen better…

Hydrolyzed Collagen is better because it tends to be easier than gelatin for people to digest!

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Collagen and Gelatin have Different Uses

Another huge difference between collagen and gelatin is how they are used. Collagen dissolves in cold water and doesn’t form a gel. But gelatin only dissolves in warm water and can be used to form gels.

This means that they are used in cooking differently:

Gelatin is good for…

  • Thickening soups and sauces
  • Using in baking to bind ingredients together
  • Making your own jello desserts, gummies, and homemade marshmallows

Collagen is good for…

  • Blending into coffee, smoothies or protein shakes
  • Stirring into sauces and soup.

The Benefits Of Hydrolyzed Collagen

As I mentioned above, collagen is really good for you (and a lot of parts of your body is made from collagen). So, add hydrolyzed collagen powder into your keto diet if you want:

  • Clearer skin
  • Stronger nails
  • Thicker and stronger hair
  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Improved gut health
  • Rebuilding joints, tendons
  • Boosting energy

Will Taking Collagen Kick You Out Of Ketosis?

A lot of people mistakenly think that because collagen is a protein, they can’t use them on a Keto diet for fear that it’ll kick them out of ketosis. First, for many of us, high ketone levels is not the goal of our keto diet (weight loss or energy gain is the goal!). So ensuring you get the nutrients you need to succeed is highly important. And collagen (because of its amino acids and other potential health benefits) is one of those nutrients.

Second, if you get Keto Collagen, which was specially designed for Keto dieters, then you can get the benefits of collagen and MCT powder at the same time – and the MCT powder will help keep you in ketosis.

Their collagen comes from 100% grass-fed beef collagen and the MCT powder is derived from coconuts. Their product is so clean that if you get the unflavored version, those are the only 2 ingredients. If you prefer a chocolate flavor, then that one comes with unsweetened cocoa powder and stevia to create a chocolate milk drink!

4 Ways To Add Collagen Into Your Keto Diet

You can definitely start adding more “other” parts of the animal into your diet. Make sure to eat your chicken skin and beef tendons!

Another way to add collagen into your diet is by using hydrolyzed collagen powder as a supplement. There are various ways you can use hydrolyzed collagen powder:

1. Add Into Your Morning Smoothie
Because collagen dissolves in both hot and cold water, you can just add some to your morning smoothie. Add a bit of MCT oil or coconut oil to your smoothie too to boost your energy even more.

It also works well after workouts as a completely non-dairy protein shake

2. Add Into your tea or coffee
If you’re a tea or coffee drinker, then it’s super easy. Add some into your daily cuppa. If you get unflavored collagen, then you won’t even know it’s in there! Or get the chocolate flavored one if you want a mocha flavored drink.

3. Add Into soups, broths, and stews
This is a great way to get your family to take in more collagen as well. Sneak a scoop of unflavored hydrolyzed collagen into your soup or stew or broth. They won’t even know they’re eating something so healthy!

4. Just mix with water and drink
This method isn’t for everyone, but I mix 1/2 a scoop of Keto Collagen (Chocolate Flavor)with 1 scoop of greens powder. Add water, stir, and drink. Keto Collagen already has the MCT in it, so it’s even easier

It takes 60 seconds for me to make and drink this.


The post Collagen vs Gelatin – Which is better? appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

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