Saturday 31 March 2018

21 Teachers Who Make Teaching Look Like Stand-Up Comedy

“Sorry class, my dog ate everyone’s homework.”

This technophobe with the perfect solution for no longer losing the PDF they need:

This technophobe with the perfect solution for no longer losing the PDF they need:

This teacher who suffered a turn of the tables:

This teacher who suffered a turn of the tables:

This one who managed to incorporate the syllabus into all aspects of the class:

This one who managed to incorporate the syllabus into all aspects of the class:

This substitute teacher projecting his internal struggles:

This substitute teacher projecting his internal struggles:

This mastermind teacher who is 100% pure evil:

This mastermind teacher who is 100% pure evil:

Twitter: @josephxmorales

These colleagues with a running streak for best matching Yearbook photos:

These colleagues with a running streak for best matching Yearbook photos:

This smartass who was able to find the art in high school graffiti:

This smartass who was able to find the art in high school graffiti:

These teachers who have fun when it comes to confiscation:

These teachers who have fun when it comes to confiscation:

This teacher who spares some bonding time with his napping students:

This teacher who spares some bonding time with his napping students:

Twitter: @matthewbkelley

This unfortunate biology teacher who made the ultimate error:

This unfortunate biology teacher who made the ultimate error:

This motivational teacher who found the perfect opportunity for a pun:

This motivational teacher who found the perfect opportunity for a pun:

This professor who is on the same wavelength as his students:

This professor who is on the same wavelength as his students:

This science teacher who needed a little snack break:

This science teacher who needed a little snack break:

Twitter: @squidkidpng

This guy who doesn't quite know where he went wrong:

This guy who doesn't quite know where he went wrong:

This poor frustrated soul who needed a time out:

This poor frustrated soul who needed a time out:

This trickster whose office hours were an illusion:

This trickster whose office hours were an illusion:

Twitter: @KaySiizzle

This teacher who has no time to waste:

This teacher who has no time to waste:

This teacher with an equal love for chemistry and electropop:

This teacher with an equal love for chemistry and electropop:

And this teacher who literally just gave up:

And this teacher who literally just gave up:

from BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

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