Thursday 31 May 2018

Watch The Miz hype up the Cleveland Cavaliers before the NBA Finals

from WWE: WWE News

Belgique : Quand un 4x4 passe avec une remorque pendant une inondation

Une habitante d'Oreye (commune située près de Liège en Belgique) a filmé sa rue inondée et l'eau qui est montée dans sa maison. Un 4x4 passe avec une remorque et soulève l'eau qui entre dans l'habitation. La femme se met alors en colère et insulte l'automobiliste.

Belgique : Quand un 4x4 passe avec une remorque pendant une inondation

Categories : Insolite - 4*4 - remorque

Belgique : Quand un 4x4 passe avec une remorque pendant une inondation @2013


Kevin Owens returns to Twitter to beg Shania Twain to play his favorite song

from WWE: WWE News

Exclusive interview: Up close with “The Captain of Team Kick” Dakota Kai

from WWE: WWE News

Former WCW Champion David Arquette announces his return to sports-entertainment

from WWE: WWE News

13 People Who Are Deceptive AF But Really Fricken Hilarious

"Hey bitch i was with you last night right?"

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from BuzzFeed - lol

WWE Live returns to Mexico City this December

from WWE: WWE News

Ricochet vs. Velveteen Dream

from WWE: WWE News

Une femme a une surprise lors de sa demande en mariage

Au zoo de Memphis, Becky a profité d'une pause photo pour demander sa copine Jessa en mariage. Ce qu'elle ne savait pas, c'est que sa copine avait aussi prévu de faire aussi sa demande. Quand Becky s'est mise à genou en présentant la bague, Jessa s'est précipitée vers son sac pour sortir elle aussi une boite avec une bague. Elles ont bien sûr...

Une femme a une surprise lors de sa demande en mariage

Categories : Insolite - Femme - Demande en Mariage

Une femme a une surprise lors de sa demande en mariage @2013


Money in the Bank trivia challenge: photos

from WWE: Photos

Money in the Bank trivia challenge: photos

from WWE: Photos

Pologne : À 71 ans, un footballeur marque un but en match officiel

En Pologne, un joueur de 6ème division a peut-être inscrit son nom dans l'histoire du football. Bogdan Glabicki a en effet inscrit un but à l'âge de 71 ans. Le footballeur est venu pousser le ballon au fond des filets lors d'un match de championnat, provoquant la joie des ses partenaires qui sont tous venus le féliciter.

Pologne : À 71 ans un footballeur marque un but en match officiel

Categories : Sport - Football - Pologne

Pologne : À 71 ans, un footballeur marque un but en match officiel @2013


Wednesday 30 May 2018

The Monster Among Men faces The Glorious One

from WWE: WWE News

Former Universal Champions lock up

from WWE: WWE News

Natalya stands up to Nia Jax

from WWE: WWE News

Who will be next to challenge The Deleters of Worlds?

from WWE: WWE News

Elle profite d'être au bord de la piscine pour se raser la jambe

Une femme a été filmée en train de se raser la jambe dans un hôtel en Floride (Etats-Unis). Sur les images, la femme en maillot de bain une pièce, assise au bord de la piscine, se rase la jambe gauche et profite de l'eau de la piscine pour nettoyer son rasoir. Classe !

Elle profite dêtre au bord de la piscine pour se raser la jambe

Categories : Insolite - Femme - Piscine

Elle profite d'être au bord de la piscine pour se raser la jambe @2013


D-Wade hilariously danced with Lewis Hamilton

Dwyane Wade cheered for Lewis Hamilton and then danced with him on a boat.


from USATODAY - Motor Sports

On va la pécho : la chanson de Cyril Hanouna pour les Bleus

À quelques jours du début de la Coupe du Monde 2018, Cyril Hanouna a annoncé la sortie d'une chanson qui pourrait devenir un hymne pour les footballeurs français. Le morceau est intitulé "On va la pécho". L'animateur de TPMP l'a chanté en live sur le plateau de C8.

On va la pécho : la chanson de Cyril Hanouna pour les Bleus

Categories : Television - Cyril Hanouna - TPMP

On va la pécho : la chanson de Cyril Hanouna pour les Bleus @2013


"Dallas & Robo" starring John Cena is available now

from WWE: WWE News

Bret Hart to receive honorary degree from Mount Royal University

from WWE: WWE News

30 Very Fucking Funny Tweets By Women This Week

"Please. Edward Said is my father. Call me Ted Talk."

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Cardi B Didn't Know Donald Glover And Childish Gambino Are The Same Person And It's Everything

"I think they secretly the same person."

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from BuzzFeed - lol

L'assaut final de la police belge contre le tueur de Liège

L'auteur de la fusillade à Liège, identifié comme étant Benjamin Herman, a été abattu par la police belge après avoir tué deux policières et un civil. Sur ces images filmées par un vidéaste amateur, l'individu a "fait une sortie" en ouvrant le feu vers les policiers, en blessant certains aux jambes.

Lassaut final de la police belge contre le tueur de Liège

Categories : Television - Police - Liege

L'assaut final de la police belge contre le tueur de Liège @2013


Stanislas Wawrinka sert et blesse un ramasseur de balle involontairement

Stanislas Wawinrka s'est fait éliminer dès le premier tour du tournoi de Roland-Garros 2018. Durant la rencontre face à Garcia-Lopez, le tennisman suisse a servi une balle qui a rebondi et fini par blesser l’un des ramasseurs. Un peu sonné, le jeune garçon a quand même tenu à continuer.

Stanislas Wawrinka sert et blesse un ramasseur de balle involontairement

Categories : Sport - Stanislas Wawrinka - Ramasseur de balle

Stanislas Wawrinka sert et blesse un ramasseur de balle involontairement @2013


America's Got Talent 2018 : le tour de carte du magicien Shin Lim

Durant l'édition 2018 de l'émission America's Got Talent, le magicien Shin Lim a fait un tour de carte à Tyra Banks. Il a demandé à l'animatrice américaine de choisir une carte et d'écrire son nom dessus. Le candidat s'est ensuite amusé à faire disparaitre et apparaitre la carte, et à...

Americas Got Talent 2018 : le tour de carte du magicien Shin Lim

Categories : Television - Magie - Carte

America's Got Talent 2018 : le tour de carte du magicien Shin Lim @2013


Il mise 25 000 euros sur la victoire de Rafael Nadal à Roland Garros 2018

Invité du RMC Poker Show, Pierre Calamusa, joueur de poker professionnel s'est confié sur son dernier gros pari. Celui que toute la communauté poker surnomme LeVietFou a misé 25 000 euros sur la victoire finale de Rafael Nadal à Roland Garros.

Il mise 25 000 euros sur la victoire de Rafael Nadal à Roland Garros 2018

Categories : Television - Poker - Rafael Nadal

Il mise 25 000 euros sur la victoire de Rafael Nadal à Roland Garros 2018 @2013


17 Photos That Will Make You Scream "Me Too, The Fuck"

Let's all bang our keyboards in unison dsljafjldsafkljdaslfkjs.

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Enter the #ChooseWater SummerSlam® Sweepstakes For a Chance to Win

from WWE: WWE News

Buddy Murphy's huge opportunity

from WWE: WWE News

Raw Tag Team Champions "Woken" Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt def. The Ascension; The B-Team threw a Memorial Day Tag Team BBQ celebration

from WWE: WWE News

Raw Tag Team Champions "Woken" Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt def. The Ascension; The B-Team threw a Memorial Day Tag Team BBQ celebration

from WWE: WWE News

Un homme ivre et endormi protégé par son chien

Un chien protège son maître ivre qui s'est endormi au milieu d'une rue dans une ville en Colombie. Quand des passants ou des policiers s'approchent de l'homme, le chien intervient et aboie pour les repousser. L'homme ivre revient à lui et un policier lui prend le bras pour l'aider à se relever.

Un homme ivre et endormi protégé par son chien

Categories : Insolite - Chien - Homme

Un homme ivre et endormi protégé par son chien @2013


Monday 28 May 2018

L'acte héroïque de Mamoudou Gassama pour sauver un enfant suspendu dans le vide

La scène se passe le samedi 26 mai 2018, rue Marx-Dormoy à Paris. Un petit garçon âgé de 4 ans s'est retrouvé suspendu à un balcon au 4ème étage d'un immeuble. Mamoudou Gassama, un témoin de la scène, a pris l'initiative d'escalader l'immeuble à main nue pour porter secours à l'enfant qui était sans surveillance. Le jeune garçon...

Lacte héroïque de Mamoudou Gassama pour sauver un enfant suspendu dans le vide

Categories : Insolite - Sauvetage - Enfant

L'acte héroïque de Mamoudou Gassama pour sauver un enfant suspendu dans le vide @2013


Jürgen Klopp chante avec les supporters de Liverpool

Jürgen Klopp était en grande forme malgré la défaite de Liverpool en finale de la Ligue des champions face au Real Madrid. L'entraîneur allemand a été filmé en train de chanter avec des supporters des Reds avant le départ de Kiev de son effectif.

Jürgen Klopp chante avec les supporters de Liverpool

Categories : Insolite - Jurgen Klopp - Supporter

Jürgen Klopp chante avec les supporters de Liverpool @2013


Have A Meal On The Titanic To See If You'd Have Lived Or Died

"Iceberg (lettuce salad) right ahead!"

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Growing Thicker, Fuller Brows

Cara Delevingne and her trademark brows have sparked a full-on beauty revolution. Bid adieu to the over-tweezed arches of the ’90s in favor of a bolder set for a look that is here to stay. To achieve supermodel brow status, Christopher Drummond, celebrity-M.U.A. and the licensed esthetician at PFRANKMD Skin Salon, has the answers. Having worked with stars like Jennifer Lopez and Kerry Washington, the pro has earned himself a reputation as an eyebrow-sculpting genius. When it comes to brow trends, he knows all. From the reasons behind sparse growth to the most helpful supplements to take, here are six tips for growing thicker brows naturally.

1.   Understand your issue. Drummond explains, “Ninety percent of my clients say they tweezed to get thinner brows back in the day and they never grew back.” He also names aging, pore buildup, and thyroid disease as other leading causes of eyebrow hair sparsity. Stay positive by first choosing the look you are after for brow regrowth. Focusing on a brow muse (Drummond’s is Margot Robbie) can help you keep focused and step away from the tweezers.

2. Consider supplements. Taking a skin, hair, and nail supplement containing biotin and niacin to stimulate follicular growth is an effective way to achieve success. Drummond is all about the power of beauty vitamins, including formulas that use natural remedies for hair renewal. He notes, “The key is to stimulate follicular growth.”

3. Eat more omega-3s. Drummond explains, “Eat more omega-3 acids — mostly from fatty fish — or just take a fish oil supplement.” You can thank the fatty acids found in these supplements or naturally in fish for general hair health.

4. Use brow serums. With so many brow and lash serums on the market RN, it is important to choose one with the right ingredients. “What you need is a solution with castor oil, peptides, herbs, vitamins/minerals, antioxidants, and lipids,” advises Drummond. These helpful active elements target hair growth without relying on harsh chemicals or hormone-based solutions.

5. Show your brows some love. Grab a cold-pressed oil to pamper your eyebrows as part of your new beauty regimen. Drummond tells us, “At the very least, pamper your brows with cold-pressed oils [like] olive, rice bran, or grapeseed. You’d be surprised what a little TLC will do!”

6. Be patient. The hardest part is the wait. “Growing brows back takes commitment,” says Drummond. “It usually takes a month or two before you start seeing results. You must be patient!” Avoid the need to tweeze and shape while your brows take their shape. The fast-acting products can get to work in as little as one month, so don’t look for overnight success.

The post Growing Thicker, Fuller Brows appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

Getting Your Digestion Back on Track Naturally

digestive issues

Real talk: Due to stress, travel, or too much cheese pizza, we’re not always regular. And for reasons that are poorly understood, women are at higher risk — at nearly double the prevalence among men, close to one in five ladies under 50 suffer from chronic constipation. When you need a bit of digestion relief, popping pills can create an unpleasant yo-yo effect, swinging you from one extreme to the other. For a more balanced result, bathroom-wise, a natural remedy may offer a better solution. To deal with occasional irregularity, if you’d rather not reach for meds, try one of these natural alternatives.

1. Meditation: Since digestive motility and emotions are inextricably linked, the first and best line of defense for sluggish digestion may be in our brains, not our guts. You’ve likely experienced this phenomenon at some point: Even when maintaining your usual healthy lifestyle with its high-fiber diet and regular exercise, stressful life situations can hold your digestive tract hostage. A work deadline looms or in-laws visit for the weekend, and your bowels hit the brakes.

“Meditation, not medication” has become a mantra of the alternative therapy approach to health. Meditating initiates the body’s relaxation response, which can release physical and mental tension, leading to digestive relief. In fact, in a randomized trial, researchers found that practicing mindfulness meditation correlated with reduced symptoms of IBS. Check YouTube for guided meditations specifically for constipation. And don’t wait until the situation gets dire — daily meditation appears to yield the best results.

2. Yoga: Like meditation, yoga taps into the mind-body connection that often causes digestion to slow. In addition to reducing stress, regular yoga practice provides a healthy dose of the physical activity that’s key to stimulating movement in the bowels. One studyfound that teenagers who suffered from IBS had fewer symptoms and improved quality of life after just four weeks of daily yoga sessions.

While a basic practice is always a healthy habit, some yoga poses work more effectively than others to get things moving smoothly (and we’re not just talking energy flow). Standing forward bend (legs straight, chest drawn toward the thighs, hands on the floor) compresses the abdomen to speed intestinal transit. Yoga squat (feet on the floor, knees bent with bum toward the floor, hands pressed together) has a similar effect. And “wind-relieving pose” (lying on your back with knees drawn up to the chest) lives up to its eyebrow-raising name by eliminating gas and moving waste down the colon. (You may want to make sure you know the closest restroom to your class.)

 3. Acupressure: Another member of the complementary medicine family, acupressure has ancient roots as a treatment for slow digestion. It only makes sense that a problem like constipation could benefit from this touch therapy intended to “unravel blockages.” Though research has yet to thoroughly explain the reasons behind acupressure’s effectiveness, many people find it a helpful remedy.

Acupressure points for digestive relief include the divot at the internal base of the wrist, the outer crease of the elbow, and even (if you can get past the weirdness of it) the perineum. If you’re really determined to get relief, you’ll try anything, right? A study involving 100 adults showed that perineal acupressure significantly improved bowel function in people with chronic constipation.

4. Coffee: Coffee doesn’t just stimulate your nerves: It can also stimulate your colon (as you may have noticed after your morning joe — about 30 percent of people report coffee has a laxative effect). Scientists are still researching exactly how coffee manages this feat. Is it the caffeine? The acidity? Regardless of the mechanism, one study reported that coffee’s effects on the colon were comparable to a thousand-calorie meal. If you decide to self-treat with America’s favorite morning beverage, just be aware that more doesn’t necessarily mean better. Overdoing it with coffee may only make you jittery and send you to the bathroom with (only) a full bladder. Start with one cup to see if you get results.

Learn more about America’s #1 time released Magnesium Supplement

5. Senna Leaf: Quick biology lesson: Dietary fiber is just the part of a plant the body can’t digest. Senna leaf, a natural remedy available at most drugstores in capsule or tea form, works in the same way as fiber. As this herb travels through the digestive tract, it actually causes irritation within the walls of the colon, attracting fluid and causing the bowels to contract (hence its effectiveness in treating the occasional GI backup).

The primary drawback? It’s not an instant fix. Ingesting senna leaf in a pill or tea generally produces results over six to 12 hours. Still, what senna lacks in immediacy, it makes up in strength. Gastroenterologists often use this nonprescription laxative to help patients “evacuate” before bowel surgery. So be careful with this small-but-mighty remedy — and be advised that it’s not intended for long-term use.

6. Magnesium: You might think of magnesium as just another line item listed on the side of a cereal box, but this dietary mineral serves many important purposes. In addition to its other functions in the body (like helping muscles contract and maintaining healthy bones), magnesium attracts fluid to the digestive tract, helping its contents move smoothly. Taken as a supplement in the form of magnesium citrate or magnesium sulfate, it typically gets the job done in a matter of hours. Talk to your doctor about appropriate dosage.

And, as always, consult your medical professional before beginning any treatment for constipation.

The post Getting Your Digestion Back on Track Naturally appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

An Easy Choice to Fix Constipation

constipated woman

I really don’t like talking about constipation, since it makes me wonder whether I’m starting down that inevitable decline towards the day when all I want to talk about is having a “good bowel movement.”

But the C word–constipation–continues to come up regularly when people go wheatless and grainless. “Won’t I lack fiber?” many ask. I am very happy on a no-wheat regimen but I wish I knew what I should do to add enough fiber to my diet. I am not quite on the verge of constipation. When I ate lots of whole grains (I haven’t touched refined grains in years), I would have easy daily bowel movements. I am still going daily but it’s not as ‘easy.’ I eat lots of vegetables. What am I doing wrong?

Granted: Wheat products are a convenient source of indigestible fiber. But the idea that you must have whole grains from wheat to obtain sufficient fiber is pure fiction. There are plenty of other foods that are rich in fiber. The “fiber for bowel health and regularity” is really a message that has been hijacked by the grain industry. The original observations and science that demonstrated the benefits of fiber focused on the fibers from vegetables, fruit, non-grain seeds, nuts, and legumes–not the cellulose fiber of grains. The original observations on the health benefits of fiber were made by Dr. Dennis Burkitt in the 1970s while in Africa. He noticed that native Africans, who relied on large intakes of plant matter (but not grains), had voluminous bowel movements, while Europeans had small, rabbit pellet BMs and ate refined flour products. Native Africans had virtually no constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer and other intestinal struggles, while these conditions were rampant among Europeans. Such observations were, over time, subverted by the grain industry into their use, promoting bran cereals and other products as sources of fiber. But there is no intrinsic human need for the cellulose fibers from grains, not to mention the huge number of gastrointestinal problems caused by wheat and grains, from acid reflux to ulcerative colitis.

Here are some better ways to regulate regularity in our wheat/grain-free lifestyle with none of the downsides:

1) A probiotic to help your poor wheat/grain-damaged intestine to recover. Wheat and grain consumption changes the bacterial composition of your intestinal tract. Taking a probiotic for a few weeks can provide organisms like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium that help regain normal bacterial populations. Look for probiotics that provide at least 50 billion CFUs (colony forming units, a bacterial count) per day with a dozen or more different species. If there are no gastrointestinal diseases or antibiotics, taking for a finite period, e.g., 8 week, is all you need to do. (People with inflammatory gastrointestinal conditions, such as ulcerative colitis or celiac disease, would be better served by taking a probiotic for longer periods, perhaps years, to allow full healing.)

2) Cultivate beneficial bacterial species with prebiotic fibers/resistant starches–I hate to admit it, but there is actually a beneficial fiber in wheat and grains called arabinoxylan. Remove all grains and you lose the 3-4 gram per day intake of prebiotic fibers like arabinoxylan that nourish bowel flora. But you can easily make up for that loss and more by incorporating sources of prebiotic fibers. We try to obtain 20 grams per day of prebiotic fibers from such sources as raw potatoes, green unripe bananas, small servings of starchy legumes, inulin and fructooligosaccharide powders, as well as some convenient commercial sources. This very powerful strategy for bowel–and overall–health is often neglected, but is very important for long-term health success. Not only does cultivation of bowel flora with prebiotic fibers ensure bowel regularity, it also reduces the likelihood of diverticular disease and colon cancer, while also helping reduce insulin and blood sugar, reduces blood pressure, reduces total and LDL cholesterol values, improves mood and deepens sleep since healthy bowel flora produce a number of neurochemicals

3) Supplement magnesium–Magnesium provides an osmotic effect that increases stool moisture content. This is why many laxatives contain magnesium, like Milk of Magnesia (magnesium hydroxide). The majority of people are deficient in magnesium anyway, since modern water purification removes all mangesium and modern farming methods fail to mobilize soil magnesium. The form of magnesium to choose depends on what you are trying to achieve. Strictly for purposes of regularity, magnesium citrate, 400 mg twice per day, will provide a modest boost. Those of you desiring better absorption of magnesium and less bowel softening should look for magnesium malate, 1200 mg twice per day (or 180 mg twice per day of “elemental” magnesium, i.e., the weight of magnesium minus the malate).
4) Add more raw nuts and seeds, more nut meals, including the recipes in the Wheat Belly book and here in this blog. It means that even treats like chocolate almond biscotti are rich in fiber.
5) Hydrate–A helpful habit is to drink two 8 ounce glasses of water immediately upon awakening when you are substantially dehydrated from lying supine for 8 or so hours. Do the same several more times per day and be sure that, whenever you urinate, urine is only lightly yellow, almost clear, never dark and concentrated.

Learn more about America’s #1 time released Magnesium Supplement


If you still feel you must add more fibers beyond prebiotic fibers, then safe non-grain sources low in carbohydrates are flaxseed, chia, and psyllium. These are easy to sprinkle on foods, mix in with your wheat-free baked dishes, mix in with wheat-free granola. They do not have any effect on blood sugar.

So going wheat- and grain-free does not mean a lifetime of pushing and straining, then calling your surgeon to clip the hemorrhoids. For some, it can even mean reversal of incapacitating constipation to new-found regularity. It means intestinal health that is improved because it now avoids the most destructive of diet ingredients, wheat and other closely-related seeds of grasses.

Cardiologist Dr. William Davis is a New York Times #1 Best Selling author and the Medical Director of the Wheat Belly Lifestyle Institute and the program.


The post An Easy Choice to Fix Constipation appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

18 Behind-The-Scenes Rules That Every "Bachelor" Contestant Is Required To Follow

You can't actually eat the food on the dates.

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from BuzzFeed - wtf

Un renard se fait voler sa nourriture par un rapace

Sur l'île de San Juan dans l'Etat de Washington (Etats-Unis), un jeune renard avait réussi à attraper un lapin. Un rapace, qui était de passage à ce moment-là, a attrapé le lapin avec ses griffes. Après s’être débattu pendant quelques secondes, le renard a pu se défaire des griffes de son agresseur et est retombé...

Un renard se fait voler sa nourriture par un rapace

Categories : Insolite - Renard - Nourriture

Un renard se fait voler sa nourriture par un rapace @2013


Sunday 27 May 2018

Road rage entre un motard et un automobiliste à Molenbeek

Un motard circulant à Molenbeek (Belgique) a été bloqué par un automobiliste stationné en double file. Il décide alors de donner un coup d'accélérateur pour que l'automobiliste reprenne sa route, avant de le dépasser. Une fois au feu rouge, le conducteur percute l'arrière de la moto. La scène du road...

Road rage entre un motard et un automobiliste à Molenbeek

Categories : Insolite - Road Rage - Bruxelles

Road rage entre un motard et un automobiliste à Molenbeek @2013


Can We Guess If You Have Kids Or Not?

The Frozen question is a dead giveaway.

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from BuzzFeed - lol

Danica Patrick's racing career ends with Indy 500 crash

"Today was really disappointing."


from USATODAY - Motor Sports