Monday 28 May 2018

Growing Thicker, Fuller Brows

Cara Delevingne and her trademark brows have sparked a full-on beauty revolution. Bid adieu to the over-tweezed arches of the ’90s in favor of a bolder set for a look that is here to stay. To achieve supermodel brow status, Christopher Drummond, celebrity-M.U.A. and the licensed esthetician at PFRANKMD Skin Salon, has the answers. Having worked with stars like Jennifer Lopez and Kerry Washington, the pro has earned himself a reputation as an eyebrow-sculpting genius. When it comes to brow trends, he knows all. From the reasons behind sparse growth to the most helpful supplements to take, here are six tips for growing thicker brows naturally.

1.   Understand your issue. Drummond explains, “Ninety percent of my clients say they tweezed to get thinner brows back in the day and they never grew back.” He also names aging, pore buildup, and thyroid disease as other leading causes of eyebrow hair sparsity. Stay positive by first choosing the look you are after for brow regrowth. Focusing on a brow muse (Drummond’s is Margot Robbie) can help you keep focused and step away from the tweezers.

2. Consider supplements. Taking a skin, hair, and nail supplement containing biotin and niacin to stimulate follicular growth is an effective way to achieve success. Drummond is all about the power of beauty vitamins, including formulas that use natural remedies for hair renewal. He notes, “The key is to stimulate follicular growth.”

3. Eat more omega-3s. Drummond explains, “Eat more omega-3 acids — mostly from fatty fish — or just take a fish oil supplement.” You can thank the fatty acids found in these supplements or naturally in fish for general hair health.

4. Use brow serums. With so many brow and lash serums on the market RN, it is important to choose one with the right ingredients. “What you need is a solution with castor oil, peptides, herbs, vitamins/minerals, antioxidants, and lipids,” advises Drummond. These helpful active elements target hair growth without relying on harsh chemicals or hormone-based solutions.

5. Show your brows some love. Grab a cold-pressed oil to pamper your eyebrows as part of your new beauty regimen. Drummond tells us, “At the very least, pamper your brows with cold-pressed oils [like] olive, rice bran, or grapeseed. You’d be surprised what a little TLC will do!”

6. Be patient. The hardest part is the wait. “Growing brows back takes commitment,” says Drummond. “It usually takes a month or two before you start seeing results. You must be patient!” Avoid the need to tweeze and shape while your brows take their shape. The fast-acting products can get to work in as little as one month, so don’t look for overnight success.

The post Growing Thicker, Fuller Brows appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

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