Wednesday 11 November 2020

How to Manage Mood Swings Naturally

Most people suffer with mood swings from time to time, and they can become particularly troublesome for women between the onset of menstruation and the culmination of menopause.

That being said, there are ways that you can treat these abrupt and often uncontrollable sudden changes in mood that can result in irritability, depression, fatigue, and insomnia without the use of highly addictive prescription medication.

From changing your diet, to increasing the amount of physical activity you do, to herbs and supplements that can fight off depression and help boost your mood, keep reading to find out how you can naturally manage your mood swings and enjoy a calmer way of life.

Use lavender oil

A very popular essential oil, lavender is renowned for its calming properties and is therefore the perfect antidote for your mood swings. Lavender is also known to reduce anxiety, combat depression, and even to improve symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

If you know when your mood swings are most likely to strike, simply dab a few drops of lavender oil onto a pillow, or dilute the oil and dab on your chest, neck, or back to help instantly calm you down.

If you think your child may be suffering with more than just the usual teenage mood swings and you suspect that they have a mood disorder, looking into juvenile residential treatment centers that specializes in teenage mental health issues can be a good idea.

Get the right vitamins and minerals

If you didn’t already know, vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in the balance of hormones in your body, with a deficiency in key nutrients having the ability to exacerbate your mood swings.

The most important vitamins and minerals for controlling mood swings are magnesium, zinc, and iron as these help your muscles to relax. Vitamins B5, B6, and B12 are also crucial as they affect the nervous system by reducing stress.

Look for a daily complex multi-vitamin, as well as a B-complex supplement, both of which will help to reduce the number of mood swings that you experience on a monthly basis.

Eliminate bad-mood foods

The food you eat on a daily basis can have a huge effect on your mood, with certain foods being known to leave you feeling rubbish. In fact, certain ultra-processed food such as frozen TV dinners, take-outs, and processed meats have been linked to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Instead, aim to consume mood-boosting foods such as peas, beans, and lentils that can help raise your serotonin levels, as well as vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and pumpkin that aid liver function, and in turn, ward off mood swings.

Partake in regular exercise

If you are feeling hormonal or in a bad mood, exercise may not sound like the ideal activity, but it is actually one the best natural mood boosters. Furthermore, it can help to lower your blood pressure, reduce feelings of stress, and help aid weight loss.

If you do not feel up to a run in the park, yoga and swimming are great alternatives and are also more relaxing forms of excerice.

Another good idea is to treat yourself to a massage after exercise as this practice can aid relaxation and better equip your body and mind to deal with sudden changes in your mood.

The post How to Manage Mood Swings Naturally appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

from Just Naturally Healthy

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