Saturday 21 April 2018

22 Small But Really Annoying Inconsistencies In "Friends"

The one with all the inconsistencies.

Monica appearing to change her mind about the existence of soulmates in a matter of weeks.

Monica appearing to change her mind about the existence of soulmates in a matter of weeks.

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When Monica and Chandler get married, she calls him her "soulmate" in the vows. Then, just a couple of weeks later, Phoebe introduces Monica to a guy who Phoebe thinks is Monica's soulmate. It causes Chandler to get all upset, so Monica then tells him she doesn't believe in soulmates?!


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Monica forgetting that Ross told her when he lost his virginity.

Monica forgetting that Ross told her when he lost his virginity.

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In one episode, Monica thinks she's out with a brother and sister when they're actually a couple. When the woman mentions how great her "brother" is in bed, Monica says: "My brother didn't even tell me when he lost his virginity!" BUT, in the previous episode, Monica says "I hope you wouldn't remember" when Ross realised the dates. We then find out it was the anniversary of the first time he slept with Carol – and actually the occasion he lost his virginity. It drives me CRAZY!!!!


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Ross forgetting when he lost his virginity.

Ross forgetting when he lost his virginity.

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He makes this whole thing about how he lost his virginity to Carol, and yet in a much later season reveals he slept with a cleaning lady in college. So what's the truth?!

– Caroline Shelby, Facebook

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Rachel being pregnant for over a year.

Rachel being pregnant for over a year.

Chandler and Monica get married in May, and by that point, Rachel is already six weeks pregnant. But then Valentine's Day rolls around and she's still pregnant?!

– Anna Davis, Facebook

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David saying he lives in Minsk in Russia when Minsk isn't in Russia.

David saying he lives in Minsk in Russia when Minsk isn't in Russia.

They continually say that David the scientist is living in Minsk, Russia, when Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Belarus was recognised as independent from Russia roughly three years before the airing of the first episode.


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Monica time travelling on her date with Pete.

Monica time travelling on her date with Pete.

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Warner Bros

When Pete "the millionaire" takes Monica for their first date, they go to Rome for dinner. The way they lay out the episode means that basically no time passes between them leaving, "having dinner" and coming home. New York to Rome would be a nine hour flight one way! I know Pete is rich, but they must have rocketed there and back.


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Rachel and Chandler meeting "for the first time" on three separate occasions.

Rachel and Chandler meeting "for the first time" on three separate occasions.

They meet "for the first time" in "The Pilot," "The One With The Flashback" and "The One With All The Thanksgivings."

– Brendan Saur, Facebook

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Ross forgetting that he doesn't actually hate ice cream.

Ross forgetting that he doesn't actually hate ice cream.

There's a whole joke about how Ross hates ice cream, but there are two scenes where he happily eats it – with his monkey, Marcel, and on a date with Elizabeth.


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Chandler saying he can't cry despite there being plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Chandler saying he can't cry despite there being plenty of evidence to the contrary.

The episode "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry" really annoys me. Before this episode, we'd seen loads of instances where he cries – like when he proposes to Monica, when Ross gives Phoebe the bike, and when Ross says he and Joey could both be best men. Sooo many examples of him crying!!!


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Joey's shirt changing from purple to black in the same scene.

Joey's shirt changing from purple to black in the same scene.


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The numbers of their apartments changing.

The numbers of their apartments changing.

Joey and Chandler's door and Monica and Rachel's door go from four and five to 19 and 20.


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Joey's agent Estelle helping deliver Ross and Carol's baby.

Joey's agent Estelle helping deliver Ross and Carol's baby.

Estelle was actually the nurse who helped deliver Carol's baby in the earlier seasons, and NO one ever mentioned it.

– Jason Wiles, Facebook


Rachel's baby suddenly being breech and pushing anyway.

Rachel's baby suddenly being breech and pushing anyway.

During Rachel's labour, the "gag" was that Rachel was taking ages to dilate. But then the midwife suddenly goes, "Oh, we just found out this baby is breech." C-section? Epidural? Nope. She's told: "You're just gonna have to push a bit harder!" Um. What?!


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The partition to Joey's "bedroom" being visible in this scene.

The partition to Joey's "bedroom" being visible in this scene.


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Everything about Rachel's sisters.

Everything about Rachel's sisters.

In an early episode, Rachel says she has one sister, then later she has two.


In one episode, Rachel tells Danny that one of her sisters has a "very masculine energy," but they're both very feminine.


Warner Bros

And, finally, their birthdays changing all the damn time.

And, finally, their birthdays changing all the damn time.

Ross has three different birthdays. In season one, he mentions it's October and says his birthday was seven months ago (so March.) In a later episode, he mentions to Gunther that his birthday is in December. And in season nine, he says his birthday is October 18.


Their fucking birthdays drive me nuts. Aside from Ross' birthday changing three times, at one point Phoebe says her birthday is February 16 and then seasons later it's her birthday in October. As a religious fan of the show, it's always driven me crazy.


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Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

from BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

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