Tuesday 1 May 2018

16 People Who Should Be Banned From Every College Class Forever

Featuring seat stealers, curve-ruiners, etc.

The person who steals your unassigned seats:

The person who steals your unassigned seats:

Twitter: @looomeow

That person who asks a question when the professor is clearly ready to end class:

That person who asks a question when the professor is clearly ready to end class:

Twitter: @mesaa_

Group project members who don't answer emails or texts:

Group project members who don't answer emails or texts:


And just shitty, bare minimum group project members in general:

And just shitty, bare minimum group project members in general:

Twitter: @ColIegeStudent

People who ruin the curve:

People who ruin the curve:

Twitter: @_jswizzle

People who are rude to the TAs or professors:

People who are rude to the TAs or professors:


People who bring smelly food (especially tuna or hard-boiled eggs) to class:

People who bring smelly food (especially tuna or hard-boiled eggs) to class:

Twitter: @linnea_aust

People who won't stop talking loudly during class:

People who won't stop talking loudly during class:


The person who hands in the test early EVERY TIME and makes everyone feel like shit:

The person who hands in the test early EVERY TIME and makes everyone feel like shit:


And the people who dress like they're at a fashion show and make everyone look bad:


The person you let borrow a pen who never returns it:

The person you let borrow a pen who never returns it:

Twitter: @cherrybaby987

But also, like, the people who let you borrow it and actually expect it back:

But also, like, the people who let you borrow it and actually expect it back:

Twitter: @__gllenn

People who come to class when they're deathly sick and get everyone else sick:

People who come to class when they're deathly sick and get everyone else sick:

Twitter: @sydamundson

People who diss other majors like education, communications, etc. in their classes. STOP!

People who diss other majors like education, communications, etc. in their classes. STOP!


And last but not least, the people in class who are like "OMG I definitely bombed that test" after every exam and then get an A every frickin' time:

And last but not least, the people in class who are like "OMG I definitely bombed that test" after every exam and then get an A every frickin' time:


from BuzzFeed - LOL Feed https://ift.tt/2JIwpqe

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